Program Benefits

  • Paid Work Experiences and on the job training

  • Paid incentives and stipends for programing & reaching milestones

  • Needs Related and Supportive Services Assistance

  • Legal Services (Record Expungement and Sealing)

  • Career Navigation Exploration & Job Placement Assistance

  • Group & mentorship opportunities (Community Violence Intervention Mentorship Program, Bereavement Support, YA Mentoring Groups (Male / Female)

  • Assistance Applying for Financial Aid

  • Academic Services (GED / HS Diploma obtainment)

(See full list below)

The Goal

The goal of Project Restore is to introduce and prepare justice involved young people for the world of work, through placement into paid work experiences, and on a path to more equitable career opportunities with their peers.  In addition to paid work experiences, the program encompasses occupational education and training in in-demand industries, leadership development, a mentorship component, and post work experience placement into unsubsidized employment or post-secondary education”.

The Goodwill® LifeLaunch: Growth Opportunities 4 Program, an employment and training program for justice-impacted individuals, is made possible with a $799,765.00 grant award, covering 98 percent of operating costs, from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. Goodwill is contributing leveraged funding valued at $177,686 to cover the remaining 2 percent of operational costs”

Eligibility Requirements

18 – 24 years of age

Have been or are currently involved with the juvenile or adult justice system which includes:

  • currently/previously incarcerated
  • under supervision (probation/parole, home arrest, etc.)
  • under an alternative sentence by the criminal justice system or
  • under a diversion program as an alternative to prosecution
  • eligible to work in the United States
  • Registered for Selective Service (male requirement only)

Note: Priority of Service is Provided to Veterans & Eligible Spouses of Veterans


Complete the form below, call or email our staff for next steps!

Reentry Program Manager
[email protected]

Program Supervisor
[email protected]

Data Specialist/Case Manager
[email protected]


Within the next few business days, someone from our Reentry team will contact you with next steps and program requirements (See list above).

In partnership with Pima community college, the public workforce system, employers or employer associations, unions providing training, labor-management partnerships and the criminal justice system to provide eligible participants the following services:

  • Career exploration activities, including information on barriers to employment and requirements for entering their occupation;
  • Case management services, including the development of a comprehensive and personalized Learning Plan, which may be incorporated into the Individual Development Plan (IDP) that identifies strategies for achieving participants’ employment goals, including overcoming barriers and acquiring supportive services;
  • Assistance with linking participants to the social services required to help participants transition back to their communities, such as substance abuse and mental health treatment, healthcare, transportation, childcare, housing, legal aid, and other social services;
  • Job preparatory experiences;
  • Employment-focused services that lead to hiring, including the following approaches:
  • occupational education leading to industry-recognized stacked & latticed credentials
  • Registered Apprenticeship
  • work-based learning or
  • work experience
  • group opportunities: community violence intervention program, mentorship, and bereavement support
  • Assistance with applying for financial aid
  • Tuition assistance, where financial aid is not available
  • Job placement services
  • Legal services (record expungement, diversion, modifying child support arrears, or obtaining a state driver’s license)
  • 12 months of follow-up services