Oscar – Goodwill Youth Centers

Oscar is thankful he found Goodwill through his friend and has referred others who are now following in his footsteps towards preparing for their futures.
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Oscar was referred to Goodwill Youth Reengagement Centers by his friend and one of our current participants. Oscar was fresh out of high school and looking for work readiness and employment services. He was living at home with his mom and shared that he can fix cars, work on drywall and wants to teach people in the community the skills so they can be independent. Oscar’s goals included obtaining full-time employment and living independently. Soon after Oscar enrolled, he successfully completed the EDGE Training Program which focuses upon Customer Service, Leadership and Personal Development skill building. Goodwill staff assisted Oscar in creating his résumé, participated in weekly groups and learned interview readiness skills. Oscar was also able to attend the Bank of America Better Money Habits workshops to learn about credit, savings and how to prepare for the future.

Shortly after, Oscar was placed in the Opportunity Youth Work Experience Program to gain hands on employment skills in a live work environment and was placed at the Goodwill Alvernon store. He picked up his duties including: production, rolling, zoning and handling donations very quickly and was successful in completing the program. Oscar was presented with the opportunity to take a fulltime position in the store. However following his time with Goodwill, Oscar was offered a position as a Lot Attendant with O’Reilly Chevrolet. Within a month he was promoted and is now working fulltime pursuing his dream as a Service Technician. Finally, Oscar achieved yet another goal. He has since moved out which he was hoping to when he connected with Goodwill. Oscar is thankful he found Goodwill through his friend and has referred others who are now following in his footsteps towards preparing for their futures.