NOW ENROLLING: Young Adult ReEntry

AGES 18-24 with Adult or Juvenile Justice System involvement. 

Do you have a record? Could you use some help getting back on your feet with career opportunities and a plan for your future. This is a 100% free service, reach out for more information or complete the form below.

Program Benefits

  • Paid work experience and on the job training

  • Paid incentives and stipends for reaching milestones

  • Support with needs assistance

  • Assistance with applying for financial aid

  • Tuition assistance, where financial aid is not available

  • Job placement services

  • Legal services (record expungement, diversion, modifying child support arrears, or obtaining a state driver’s license)

The Goal of Goodwill Project Restore

To ensure young adults involved in the justice system, and/or who left high school prior to graduation, are prepared with the skills needed to meet the the needs of local labor markets in order to obtain HIGHER PAYING JOBS.



Eligibility Requirements

18 – 24 years of age

Left school prior to graduation OR you have been or are currently involved involved with the juvenile or adult criminal system which includes:

  • currently/previously incarcerated
  • under supervision(probation/prole, home arrest, etc.)
  • under an alternative sentence by the criminal justice system or
  • under a diversion program as an alternative to prosecution
  • eligible to work in the United States
  • Register for Selective Service(male requirement only)

Note: Priority of Service is Provided to Veterans & Eligible Spouses of Veterans

The Goodwill® Young Adult Reentry Program (YARP) is made possible with a grant award of $720,420.00, from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. YARP program activities and services will be supported with $279,753 in leveraged resources.