One-Stop Adult Employment

In partnership with Arizona@Work (formerly Pima County’s One-Stop Career Centers), Goodwill helps provide a wide range of workforce development programs and services to adults in our community. Our workforce development specialists work out of the Arizona@Work Centers and help facilitate short term workshops and trainings as well as more focused one on one intensive employment services.  In addition to working with individual job seekers, Goodwill and Pima County partner directly with employers in order to create career focused advancement and training programs.

Adult Case Management

Serving unemployed, under employed and employed adults through training and job search assistance.

  • Career Assessment and Planning
  • Pre-Vocational Education and Training
  • Job Search Assistance and Placement

For more information on Adult Case Management please visit

Attention: Unemployed Adults

If you are an adult job seeker who is currently unemployed and have little to no work experience, you might qualify for a paid, time limited, work experience opportunity through the Goodwill and Arizona @ Work Pima County One-Stop.  For more information please contact Graceyetta Askew at 520-724-7626.


Goodwill helps facilitate Employability workshops and trainings that are available for adults through the Pima County One-stop Career Centers.

  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Resume Building
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Career Exploration
  • And More

*Funded 100% by the City of Tucson, Arizona@Work (Pima County Onestop) and Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act.

On the Job Training (OJT)

Receive financial support for your business while giving back to your community! Interview job seekers that want long-term employment. Hire the right candidate(s) or Train the new employee to your company’s standards. Receive reimbursement for 50% of wages for agreed-upon training period.


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ACT (WIOA) Title 1-B provides grant funding to Pima County for eligible Adults and Dislocated Workers (DW) to participate in special employment experiences that are subsidized under WIOA.

  1. Prepare participants for current and projected demand occupations that offer wages that allow self-sufficiency or that have clear career path leading to self-sufficiency.


Workforce Grant Program that is designed to develop replicable, comprehensive workforce strategies for preparing the workforce for middle to high skilled H-1B occupations within the information technology, advanced Manufactuing, and transportation.

OJT stands for on the job training for adult enrolled in Pima County One Stop

**This is funded by a grant from the US Department of Labor totaling $4 million. Pima County Community & Workforce Development has contracted Goodwill to provide these services totaling $216,373.80 (5.4%).