Our Academic Services Program provides dedicated in-house academic support to our Youth Program participants, Goodwill® employees, and any walk-ins from the public ages 16-24.

The Academic Services Program offers services that help individuals develop an individualized academic plan – whether it’s to complete their GED, earn their High School Diploma, TABE or Certification testing.

Basic Services:

  • Youth center walk-ins at
  • Short term tutoring
  • Support to individuals who are seeking academic services
  •  Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) to help youth access critical
    community services that enhance health &
GED, high school diploma services at Goodwill
Students can earn their GED and High School diploma through services provided by Goodwill Metro/REC staff.

Intensive Services:

  • 1 on 1 tutoring with our Academic Specialist or volunteer tutor
  • Preparation for:
    • GED
    • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
    • Tutoring for industry recognized credentials

Each academic plan is set up around the participants’ schedule, needs and or barriers, and their academic background. Academic services help young adults prepare for and earn their GED, improve scores on Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) scores, and study for industry recognized credentials.

Community Circle Youth Mentoring

Community Circle is for 11-18 yr old boys or masculine identified youth who would like support without being judged.

We provide boys with training, skilled mentoring, and role-modeling to help them increase their self-esteem, value academic performance, use positive anger management, and adopt values such as integrity, accountability, compassion, responsibility, and respect for others.

Join us at Goodwill REC Center on 1920 E Silverlake Suite 207, every Monday from 4:00 to 5:00pm

High School Diploma through Grad Solutions

Youth and young adults ages 16-21, can earn their High School Diploma online through Grad Solutions. Grad Solutions offers online and self-paced instruction for students to earn their diploma without stepping foot into a traditional classroom. Students can also receive services and tutoring from the Metro/Rec Youth Program.

The online program can be accessed at the Metro/REC Youth Program or through any digital device with credentials. And if the student is working, they can earn elective credits as well. Grad Solutions also offers school counseling and Individual Education Plan (IEP) accommodations.

Students can also receive additional assistance and tutoring from the onsite mentor assigned at the Goodwill Metro/Rec Youth Program. 

Please call our Metro/REC Youth Program at (520) 382-1425 for more information.


Smart Schools Initiative

With Smart Schools®, you can:
– Earn your High School diploma at your own pace. It is progress-based which means
you don’t have to sit in a chair for 6-8 straight hours

– Work while you’re earning your HS Diploma because the schedule is flexible

– Access online mentors

– Work with the high school credits you already have

– Have your tuition paid through March 2020



For more information and/or schedule enrollment, please contact Lance Meeks
(520) 306-8445 | [email protected]


An Academic Services volunteer tutors youth and young adults to help them prepare for various exams including their High School diploma, GED, TABE tests, Certifications and school assignments. This is a great way to make a big impact in a young person’s life.


Thank you to the The George Mason Green & Lois C. Green Foundation for the generous gift of $25,000 to help fund the position of Academic Support Specialist.