Please read the following information carefully prior to completing this application. Submit the application ONLY if you are willing and able to commit to being part of this committee after reading the overview below. Prior applicants are highly encouraged to reapply.
GISA’s DEI Committee will meet once a month, every fourth Wednesday of the month for two hours (unless other arrangements must be made).
For the DEI Committee to be successful, a genuine commitment to open and honest communication, transparency and a collaborative work environment is a must. GISA is committed to an environment where everyone is valued and has the opportunity to reach their goals. Your work on this committee will help us meet this commitment. Your attendance at committee meetings will be paid time. Should you not be able to attend the scheduled meeting, reach out to your fellow members as soon as possible to notify them.
Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona (GISA) has an established Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Committee members have already begun to identify areas of strength and opportunities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for team members and those we serve. Our committee has also already made recommendations that will strengthen our business practices. We are currently seeking additional members.
We aim for our committee to always be comprised of diverse:
- Racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds
- Gender identities
- Ages
- Neurological and physical abilities
- Perspectives and personal experiences
Potential committee members should have been with GISA for 90 days or more , be in good performance standing, be comfortable speaking up with their ideas and opinions, and have demonstrated personal leadership. The committee will follow up with each of the individuals who apply.
If you are interested in being part of this committee, do the following:
- Complete the application below. The space for answers will expand as you type, allowing enough space for you to answer each question thoroughly. You can complete this while on duty. Please talk to your supervisor if you need access to a computer.
- Once completed, submit your application no later than October 31st, 2022.
The existing DEI committee will meet to review all applications and make selections. All applicants will be notified of their selection or non-selection no later than October 31st, 2022.
Remember that if you are selected, you will need to start attending in-person meetings in November.