Dakota - Youth Restoration

Dakota – Youth Restoration

Dakota’s time at Goodwill began as part of our Youth Restoration Project. Learning to work with his hands and build things, Dakota grew in confidence and started moving towards establishing his own independence.
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Dakota’s time at Goodwill Began As part of our Youth Restoration Project. Learning to work with his hands and build things, Dakota grew in confidence and started moving towards Establishing HIS OWN independence. our Youth Restoration Manager, Will Anderson, worked closely with Dakota on his daily and long-term goals.

Going down his list of needs, Will and the rest of our staff worked with this hardworking young man on Attaining a GED, getting his driver’s license, securing his own apartment, establishing independence and earning an eventual promotion to a full-time maintenance tech here at Goodwill, Dakota’s effort and focus has never wavered all these years. His journey is a testament to hard work and determination. We are more than proud to have been a part of Dakotas journey. To learn more scan the code below for an informational video.